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Two washing machine myths fuel disease risk

Now more and more people choose to use the washing machine to wash their clothes, which saves time and trouble~ But if the washing machine is not used properly, it may also become a health hazard! Use it diligently but not wash it.

Now more and more people choose to use the washing machine to wash their clothes, which saves time and trouble~ But if the washing machine is not used properly, it may also become a health hazard! Use it diligently but not wash it. The washing machine also needs to be cleaned. There are gaps between the inner shell and the outer shell of the washing machine and small holes for water in and out. The fluff, debris, stains, etc. of the clothes will adhere to the inner wall of the washing machine or the corners of the drain through these gaps and small holes, thereby breeding bacteria. Therefore, when you use the washing machine, you will pollute the washed clothes again and again! Therefore, it is recommended to clean the washing machine every two months or so, you can use a special "cleaning powder", or you can use 25 grams of baking soda, 100ml of white vinegar , appropriate amount of water, mix thoroughly, pour into the washing machine, and wash in rinse mode. Cover the washing machine when you are done using it. Many people put the lid on after washing and taking out the clothes, but this method is easy to breed mold. After washing clothes, the inside of the laundry tub is still wet. If it is not ventilated and dried, mold will grow. And these molds will use clothes as a medium to reach our body and endanger our health. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that it is best to wash underwear by hand, and it is best to zip and unbutton the outerwear before putting it in the washing machine. To prevent the zipper from jamming other clothes, the buttons falling off, and the clothes being damaged.